Thursday, February 19, 2009

App-Linc 2007

The motley half dozen, at HSC's MRG lodge looking very small.

Floyd paces Levi up Linc Gap and offers his lack of pipes as proof he hasn't been juicing.

Sustained 22 degree pitch, pain, burn, no touches- priceless!
Chio Paolo!

Mountain bike or road bike?! Introducing Beta Max Bike Works "the Hill Climb Bike"

Linc-App 2007

Boy these guys look good enough for a Village People try-out.. The Glastonbury Crew poses atop Linc Gap.

Levi with his ever present bodyguard "I'm gonna pump you up" Serge.

Paolo looking fresh as a daisy that drank too much wine the night before (note: a sabotage plot has never been proven).

Lemond being Lemond..

Lemond continues to question the merits of his "hill climb" bike and ponder how the Chicken can fly on Schwinn Varsity 10 speed. Levi looks scholarly while the Chicken impersonates "where's Waldo." Fever and yaking didn't keep Thor at home but did prevent him from bringing his hammer.

No this isn't Horton's speck it is a faltering Lemond on his trusty, if not poorly advised "hill climb bike." The previous year sans "hill climb bike" he performed much better on App Gap. Back to the lab..

"The Chicken" unsuccessfully attempts to field a call from the random drug testing police as Levi looks on from atop the App gap. Levi later commented that he didn't have enough bars.

When Levi expressed concern "the Chicken" responded dismissively saying that the drug controls don't mean anything and that he had the same problem while training at high altitude in Mexico.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Danny - A new Bike?

Word has it that Danny is buying a new rig and his old one is up for sale.
Who will be the highest bidder???

Why a Blog...

Hey guys, Kevin had an idea that a blog should be created for better communication.
It may or may not workout.

OK, Now is the time to decide on what ride you plan on doing - 2, 4 or 6 gaps.

I should take some time out to blame Kevin for the future pain you will be experiencing this summer. Back in January, at work, some summer fantasy planning was going back and forth via e-mail. Well, as some may or may not know a few of us have done the gaps before - only two at a time (don't worry Danny your praise is coming). Except for Danny, he has done 4 or 6 I don't remember. I'll try him on his helicopter phone later, before he jumps out to go skiing. I need to get back on track here. So I e-mailed the link to the gap ride to Kevin and company. Kevin takes the stance that all 6 gaps need to be ridden or it just pointless. I took the stance of I have three days a week to train and that's a big ride for so little time in the saddle. So some back in forth e-mails on that reasoning were sent, some muscle memory (what's that?) e-mails, then it was reduced to flat out insults. So needless to say, I was feeling a little big in the sack that day when I said that I’d do it. So here we are...Just so you know - I'm not bailing, well not yet.

I hope the enthusiasm doesn’t wane, spring comes early, the roads are fixed and the sand is removed, Pete uses his stomach bug to get a leg up on dieting, and most of all that we are all lined up on July 18, 2009 with as much sack as I had back in January



Link to the Ride

The Players

The List:
Danny V
Kevin S
Tom W
Pete F
Andy S - Seeking permission
Andy L
Dave B
Patrick P
Eric P