Friday, February 13, 2009

Why a Blog...

Hey guys, Kevin had an idea that a blog should be created for better communication.
It may or may not workout.

OK, Now is the time to decide on what ride you plan on doing - 2, 4 or 6 gaps.

I should take some time out to blame Kevin for the future pain you will be experiencing this summer. Back in January, at work, some summer fantasy planning was going back and forth via e-mail. Well, as some may or may not know a few of us have done the gaps before - only two at a time (don't worry Danny your praise is coming). Except for Danny, he has done 4 or 6 I don't remember. I'll try him on his helicopter phone later, before he jumps out to go skiing. I need to get back on track here. So I e-mailed the link to the gap ride to Kevin and company. Kevin takes the stance that all 6 gaps need to be ridden or it just pointless. I took the stance of I have three days a week to train and that's a big ride for so little time in the saddle. So some back in forth e-mails on that reasoning were sent, some muscle memory (what's that?) e-mails, then it was reduced to flat out insults. So needless to say, I was feeling a little big in the sack that day when I said that I’d do it. So here we are...Just so you know - I'm not bailing, well not yet.

I hope the enthusiasm doesn’t wane, spring comes early, the roads are fixed and the sand is removed, Pete uses his stomach bug to get a leg up on dieting, and most of all that we are all lined up on July 18, 2009 with as much sack as I had back in January




  1. OK, sure I will credit for this future debacle BUT a big reason many of us ride is because we enjoy the suffer factor. This might be the hardest thing you have ever done but looking back, i bet dollars to doughnuts (what that really means i dont really know) that we will look back fondly and want to do it again.

    My moto for this ride is SURVIVE NOT THRIVE.. with that said I want all six and plan to ride all six, if for whatever reason that does not happen on Saturday i will want to go back on Sunday to finish up.

    I suggest that in early spring we all get together at the Irish American Club and begin to talk about training planes and logisitics. By then Danny will no doubt already have ridden 4 of the 6 and will be ready for six. I will be paniced about how to get in form and loose my winter weight.

    A decent training ride consideration could be Veuillex South Veuillex North Veuillex South.. if not before the gaps it should happen this summer!!! who knows but we all have some work to do.

    We should consider where to stay, we could try to go super budget or try to get a decent place to stay. Summer is Killingtons off season, rooms are cheap and a pool/hot tub would be nice..

    This is an open invite ride, buddies are welcome as long as they are not complete door knobs.

    I was tempted to get on my bike on Wednesday, anybody besides Danny get out?

  2. I still on the trainer. I don't see a need to go pot hole hunting. I to would like to survive. I/we are in luck because we can use the cottage in newlondon as a lunch a rest spot before heading back home. That's 85 miles round trip. Good training ride.

  3. i gotta say i am not all that jazzed about being classified as a "follower" on this blog..
